Sunday, March 29, 2020

Gas Giant Image

Here a screenshot of a gas giant created by 3DWorld in universe mode. This uses a procedurally generated 1D color texture using mostly two colors with shades in between. Then procedural noise is used to offset the texture coordinates and break up the uniform color bands. Finally, 50 storm cyclones are added procedurally by the shader. The planet is drawn in realtime (~200 FPS) without using any 2D textures and allows the player to get very close, which is something you can't easily do with a pre-generated texture approach.

Procedural gas giant generated instantly and drawn in realtime by 3DWorld.

Closeup of a different gas giant with a reddish color and ice rings.


  1. Aww... you say you can get really close, but there are no close-up screenshots! It does look really pretty from out here though. Perhaps just a bit too color saturated?

    1. Yes, I only took this one screenshot that captured the entire planet. I'll add a close-up screenshot at some point. The colors are high contrast for a more artistic effect rather than making it realistic.

    2. There you go. This shot is closer. I can get even closer, but I wanted to get the rings in the picture too.
